Governing Board and Advisory Council
Governing Board
AAA4 has a 17-member Governing Board composed of County Boards of Supervisors and their appointees representing their respective counties of Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba. The Governing Board sets agency policy and is responsible for ensuring that AAA4 fulfills the mandates of the Older Americans and Older Californians Acts. Standing Governing Board committees include audit/finance, personnel, grants review and joint program evaluation.
Advisory Council
There is also a 35-member Advisory Council with representatives from each county. They are appointed by County Boards of Supervisors and commissions on aging; there are 6 member-at-large seats which are filled through selection by the Council’s Executive Committee. The Advisory Council advises the Board on matters relating to the planning, delivery, and monitoring of services for older adults and caregivers. The Council also serves as an independent, non-partisan advocacy body on behalf of all older persons residing in the planning and service area. Standing Advisory Council committees include area plan, diversity and legislative. Ad hoc and task force committees are appointed as needed.